Top > Support > FAQ > Kawai apps behave strangely on my Android smartphone/tablet, what should I do?

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Kawai apps behave strangely on my Android smartphone/tablet, what should I do?

PianoRemoteApps & Software


Some Kawai apps developed for Android devices rely on the "WebView" component in order to run correctly.  If the version of this component is out of date, it's possible that the app may not function correctly.

Please follow the steps below in order to update the "WebView" component of your Android smartphone/tablet.

1. Launch the "Google Play" app.
2. Search for the app with the keyword "Webview"
3. Find the app provided by "Goolge LLC" named "Android System WebView".
4. Display the "Android System WevView" app page.
5. If the "Update" button is displayed, an update is required.  Tap the button to perform the update, then restart the device.
